Penerapan Metode Dark Channel Prior dalam Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Mereduksi Kabut

Eko Prasetyo, Sandy Kosasi


The image in the form of a photo is the one that is used to capture events or scenes that cannot be repeated to be remembered for a long time and it is not possible if the photo taken at a time when the weather is not supporting such a haze that will ruin the photo. The main things that become the main idea for creating software is to help users who don't have much time to take photos outside the room. Therefore, the software that will be designed can make it easier for photographers to reduce the haze that exist in the photo. This software uses the Dark Channel Prior method as a method used to reduce haze. Software design method using Prototype. Testing software using BlackBox. This software uses the C ++ programming language with Visual Studio 2012 application. The haze reduction software that has been designed can run as expected. For the next research can add some features and combine into two methods or three methods



Haze Reduction; Dark Channel Prior; Prototype; Visual Studio 2012; C++

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