Perancangan Dan Pengujian Perangkat Lunak Penjadwalan Mata Pelajaran Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

Tania Khozarisma, I Dewa Ayu Eka Yuliani


Scheduling of subjects is a very important activity for teaching and learning process at a school. To better assist in the preparation of a good schedule, it must be done correlation between components in order to avoid clashing schedule. Based on the difficulty of this research is made in order to solve obstacles that are often felt in the making of subject schedules using genetic algorithm approach. Data collection method in this research is literature study, documentation, and observation. System development method used in this research is waterfall method, that is analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. Software design method used is extreme programming design method, modeling used is UML (Unified Modeling language) and using software design technique use case diagram, sequence diagram, and activity diagram. The result of this research is subject scheduling software using Genetic algorithm can be used as a tool of the school in making the schedule of subjects in order to simplify and minimize errors in the preparation of subject schedules using Excel VBA software applications.


Penjadwalan; Algoritma Genetika; VBA Excel; UML; Waterfall;

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